Tuesday, September 22, 2009



So we are in the middle of a very odd heatwave here...and the kids were just overheated today. We played in the backyard and funny enough, my delicate little flower of a daughter was the dirtiest munchkin of them all! She is so her mother's daughter! My mom loves to tell stories of me covered in some sort of grime/mud/dirt. I'm thinking this one will make a great layout!
I couldn't resist this one! I snuck up behind her when she wasn't looking!
And her traditional pose, head tilted to the side....she will make a great supermodel one day (she already has the attitude for it!)
I had to crop this one in order to get the full effect...there is a reason they call toes piggies don't ya think?!
See? I told you it was hard work getting this dirty! Now to wake her up and try to get some supper in her and soak her in the tub! I would post a pic of the tub afterwords but I think that may make even me feel a little nauseous!
Hope you are having a great week!


  1. I really love the first picture!!! Your daughter is adorable!!

  2. Hey Icecheeks! I am blog hoppin' and wanted to send you a shout out. What's up, Lady? Okay, I love those dirty little baby toes!!! So Sweet! Girl, my kids are too old, and their feet are not cute or sweet. More like grown people feet! I wish I had taken more pictures of their hands and feet when they were little. Anyway, holla'back! Take care!
